Virtual KRAV CON 2020!

Get ready for our VIRTUAL KRAV CON Saturday, Dec. 5! We will have more than a dozen USKMA 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree black belts doing 25-30 minute technique/tactic/seminar type classes online. Instructors include Ranger SGT Mike Goodale (Carmine Giovinazzo plays him in  the movie Black Hawk Down), LT. Bobby Day retired KY state police, LT. Matt Kissel Gahanna OH PD, James Muharin retired Green Beret, Lt. Colonel Darrel Walton A10 pilot, SGT Brannon Hicks retired Atlantic Beach PD, Charlie McShane Krav Maga and BJJ black belt.  More info and schedule to come. 20% will be donated to the Children’s Rescue Initiative.

Krav Classes on the USKMA App!

We now have Krav Maga classes/workouts on our USKMA app. Instructors and students can get continuing ed and stay on track for testing by keeping a log of workouts/classes done with the lessons on the app. It’s easy to choose the class that YOU want! Pick a warmup or two, choose the combative you want, the technique you want and the drill you want. Run a 30-45 minute workout/class and stay up to date and in shape! We even have sparring lessons, a handgun disarm seminar and a knife disarm seminar included on this new tab. Improve your sparring during lockdown and learn some valuable skills! All this for $22 or get the entire app with Levels 1 through black belt and the lessons for $64.

How to use the new lessons tab;

One of the combatives;

We will have level 2 techniques and combatives soon as well as more warm ups, drills, etc. Go to’s store page to order or e mail us at PLEASE NOTE; If you are out of a job and want to keep up on your Krav Maga but can’t afford the $22 for the lessons part of the app e mail me and I will make sure you get it.

Bolingbrook! Kids’ BJJ now at The Krav Gym!!

One of the fastest growing combat sports in the world, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (also known as BJJ) is a martial art with focus on ground fighting and submission. And we offer kids classes that are tailored just for them!

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a grappling-based system whose central theme is the skill of controlling a resisting opponent in ways that force him to submit. Much of the technique of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is centered round the skill of taking an opponent down to the ground and wrestling for dominant control positions from where the opponent can be rendered harmless. This makes BJJ much safer to practice than traditional martial arts while still being very effective for self defense.

Learn to use superior leverage, grip and position to control and overcome greater size, strength and aggression with lesser size and strength.

Young students benefit from greatly increased physical fitness, problem-solving ability, concentration skills, self-knowledge of their body and mind and the many social benefits of working within a large group of like-minded fellow students as they learn and have fun together. Call Megan at The Krav Gym 331 757-8743

NRA Gun Safety course plus! Tuscaloosa to Columbus MS area

NRA Gun Safety course plus!

We are running an NRA Gun Safety Course in Millport AL Jan. 10-12. The PLUS is a lot more actual gun handling and firing than the regular NRA course. Great for beginners who have never handled a weapon as well as for those who are avid shooters.

We will learn to shoot, of course, but we also include close range shooting, handgun retention, firing while moving, firing from cover, etc.

Call 205 662-8852 with any questions.

The Lead Instructor; Mark Slane is the United States Krav Maga Association founder and chief instructor. In 1999 Mark Slane was a member of the very first group of outside instructors ever trained at the Krav Maga National Training Center in Los Angeles. He then went on to open one of the first half dozen Krav Maga schools in the United States. Mark became a black belt in November of 2003 (one of only two dozen in the U.S. at the time), and is currently a 5th degree black. Mark has trained in Israel with one of only 12 whom the founder of Krav Maga (Imi Lichtenfeld) trained to black belt, Grandmaster Yaron Lichtenstien.

Mark has studied the martial arts for over thirty years. Mark started his training in Tae Kwon Do and holds a fourth degree black belt in that art. In Olympic style Tae Kwon Do he won a national championship in sparring in the light weight division – 33 to 40 year old age group. He has also coached and trained dozens of national medalists, national champions, U.S. team members and World medalists. Mark has trained in boxing for several years with Olympic Gold Medalist, Jerry Page and has spent years studying Muay Thai, BJJ, and Mixed Martial Arts as well.

Mark has trained hundreds of law enforcement personnel on both empty hand and handgun techniques. He is an NRA certified instructor and has taught hundreds of students how to shoot in the USKMA basic and advanced handgun courses

Mark has been published in Black Belt magazine and is the author of Be Safe! Self Defense for Women In the Real World, American Krav Maga, Krav Maga For Law Enforcement, Defending the Blade & the Barrel and Adults in the Dojo, Where’d they go?.

Discount December at The Krav Gym – Bolingbrook!

For the entire month of December we are offering new members 10% off of everything…intros, initiation fees and monthly fees! This is good for all classes.

Get into the shape of your life at Bolingbrook’s first true self defense, BJJ and fitness gym. Our classes include;
-Krav Maga; truly the workout that can save your life!
-BJJ; taught by black belt and pro MMA fighter, Dan “the Anvil” Stittgen
-ICE Bootcamp Fitness; 30 minute intense station workout. “Get in, Get fit and Get out & on with your life!”
-Kid’s BJJ (beginning Jan. 4) Bully proof your child with a fun class that will get them in shape!

Call 331 757-8743 to schedule an intro!

The Krav Gym Open House Jan. 11! Bolingbrook come see us!

Join us for an open house of The Krav Gym! Bolingbrook’s much anticipated first true Fitness and Self Defense gym.

Saturday, January 11th from 9:00 am until 1:30 pm drop in for snacks, prize drawings and free classes (wear your workout clothes). This is also the kick off day for our Kid’s BJJ program! Give us a try!!

The Krav Gym has expert instructors who care about you and your fitness/self defense goals! The Krav Gym will feature Krav Maga (Israeli self defense that is also a great workout), ICE Bootcamp workouts (highly effective 30 minute bootcamp style workout that doesn’t have you in a gym all day!) and BJJ for adults and kids.

Grand Opening Schedule:
9:15 – 9:45 ICE Fitness
9:50 – 10:45 BJJ Adults room B, Kids room A
11:00 – 11:30 Krav Maga Intro
11:40 – 12:30 Krav Maga Class

Sign up discounts available this day only! Drop on in at 485 W. Boughton Ln. in Bolingbrook Saturday, January 11!!!
For more info contact us at or call 331 757-8743.


I am proud to say that the United States Krav Maga Association has more female black belt than every other Krav Maga organization combined. Over the years many of our strong female instructors have confided in me that they had been sexually or physically abused in the past and/or were molested as children. This always infuriates me and I am truly amazed at how often this is happening. It is a national embarrassment… A national tragedy. I do believe there are times that at least 75 percent of the females in any of our classes have been assaulted in the past. This is why a lot of them are there! They are doing something about this and refusing to ever be a victim ever again. Many have told me that our organization is like a safe place for them. A place where they can feel empowered, get stronger, gain confidence and have people who care about them and look out for them make them better. I have certainly learned a lot from them over the years. Thanks to them I have changed a lot as far as the way I teach.

We have had several Krav Maga gyms leave an organization and join ours with the complaint “We can’t get women to join”. I always tell them “You are doing it wrong!”. So many of us in the Krav Maga world believe that we have to be macho tough guys and act like we are teaching Navy SEALs. Students have to be Olympic caliber athletes to pass one of our level tests and we love to scream and act like drill sergeants. The problem with this is that we are running off the people who need what we offer the most. The men in our classes who are close to being Navy SEALs are safe regardless. No matter what they are learning they are going to be able to beat down an attacker. The females, especially those who have been attacked, are the ones who really need to be in our classes…and we are running them off. Shame on us.

As instructors, if we have someone slow down or stop in our class or start heading out the door we tend to think that they need screamed at, called out and embarrassed to get them back into the class. This does tend to work on hard-core guys as they come back with an “I’ll show you” attitude. The reason that female may be headed out the door is that she has been triggered by something we are doing in class. We are working on a defense that is reminding her of an attack that actually happened to her. We are forcing her to relive the most horrible event of her life! As instructors we have to notice the glazed looks, the freezing, the emotions, the anger and panic attacks when this is happening. I have seen these triggers with chokes, hair grabs, throwing to the ground, weapons, being surrounded, etc. The last thing she needs at this moment is for the instructor to yell and scream. Recently I made the comment to a few of my female black belts that “I would think by the time you are level 5 and have been in Krav Maga for three or four years that you are past the being triggered.” Well, after looking at me like I was an idiot they explained to me that it never goes away. I am still being educated by these tough women. I can’t imagine how tough you would have to be to take classes several times per week for years knowing the triggering, with all of those emotions, will happen. I am in awe of such courage.

What can we do as instructors? I am certainly not an expert nor a psychologist but I have learned over 30 years of teaching self defense. Here are my recommendations;

-Quit living by the macho instructor code and acting like we are getting Army Rangers ready for war. We aren’t there to show how hard or tough we are. We are there to make our students safe! This doesn’t mean that we teach fluff. Our female students don’t want to be treated like they are made of glass. Our classes are hard, exhausting and the best self defense we can come up with!

-Realize that this happens and pay attention. Years ago I had a female in her introductory class that I noticed went straight out the door to the parking lot after class instead of talking to the desk person about signing up. I went out and talked to her and found out that she was, at that time, living with a boyfriend who was abusive. The choke defense we worked on her gave her a panic attack and she wanted nothing to do with it. I asked her “Don’t you want some options? Don’t you want to stop the abuse?“ I told her how we don’t force things on people in our classes, how she could go at her own pace and that we are there for her. She ended up joining and was with us for at least a year and a half. The change in her was remarkable. She went from the timid woman afraid of our classes to a level 3 student whom others were afraid to partner with because she went so hard. Our classes were life changing for her. This is what we are about!

-From the first intro class state to the female that she can go her own pace. Give her permission to only attempt what she is comfortable with. She can partner with whom she chooses, do techniques in class by herself to the air without a partner, take breaks, leave the room, etc. No matter how much the instructor is pushing and saying “don’t stop” she has permission to stop. I am ashamed that in the past I remember telling my staff that sometime in class a female has to switch to a male partner so she can feel the difference in strength. If they don’t what to do that I don’t need them in my class. That was stupid of me! Again, macho instructors running off those who need Krav Maga the most!

-Have good female instructors and educate the male instructors. A female student is much more apt to confide in a female instructor. Most of the female instructors in our gym had “been there and done that” and could really talk heart to heart with the student.

This all comes down to don’t be a macho drill sergeant, pay attention, educate yourself and care. Make your gym a safe place for females. A place where they can become empowered, get stronger, gain confidence and rebuild. Above all, DO NOT run off the students who need what you offer the most!

The USKMA; Our Affiliate Gyms Get More!!

A recent nationwide report found that “Krav Maga” ranked third, behind only “Fitness Kickboxing” and “Martial Arts For Children”, in internet searches for martial arts or self defense. People are looking for good Krav Maga! Like most Krav Maga organizations we will teach you and your staff excellent real world self defense techniques. Krav Maga is easy to learn, easy to remember and extremely effective. Law enforcement and military groups throughout the world seek out Krav Maga because of its reputation as that of real-world, no-nonsense self defense. What separates the USKMA from other organizations is the business and marketing side. We will show you exactly how to use awesome marketing to get people in, lead awesome introductory lessons that will get people to join, and teach awesome classes that people want to keep coming back for! We will show you every aspect of how to run a Krav Maga gym…everything from how to answer the phone to providing you with social media copy to giving you class lesson plans with videos. We will share everything with you that we did in our Ohio gyms to go from start to over 700 members. The great thing about our marketing is that it is done with integrity. No used car salesman techniques!!

We have done everything over the years for advertising and have come to realizing that social media is where it’s at right now. Over 1 billion people are on Facebook! We have teamed up with the social media gurus at Social Media Dogo who work with major companies to get them noticed! We will show you how to run ads, boost posts and (a USKMA exclusive) give you content to use on your social media platform several times per week. We will give you the official USKMA social media plan which we guarantee will get you page likes, and more people in the door! We also have the USKMA phone app available for free to our affiliates. Wherever you are pull up videos of all USKMA techniques, drills, teaching templates, test forms, staff meetings, etc. The student version of the app can also be a great teaching and retention tool to give to your students. Yet another service for our affiliates is the recent hiring of Chuck Heacock as our sales trainer. Chuck has been a leading fitness and krav maga gym sales guru for thirty five years and was trained by the legendary Jack Lalanne! His training on getting prospective members into the gym and getting them signed is invaluable…another USKMA exclusive!

We schedule level one instructor trainings at gyms across the nation several times during the year, check “events” page of and “events” on our Facebook page for training dates. You will leave our instructor training with a great knowledge of all of our level one techniques as well as some level two and weapon disarms. By the time we leave you and your staff will have our lesson plans for level 1 and know how to run classes, how to do intros, how to market, what to say on the phone, how to run a test, etc.

All of this for what you will get for two sign ups per year. That’s right, if you follow our system and sign two students in one year to a 12 month agreement we paid for ourselves. We can guarantee our system will help you sign many more than that! We will give monthly video staff meetings, drill of the month, technique of the month, marketing material, etc. and show how at our Ohio gym we were signing an average of 48 adults per month over a two year period. You will also be given access to the affiliate page of our web site and phone app. This site is your one stop shop for running a Krav Maga gym. On the site are videos on how to run intros, classes, tests and drills as well as lesson plans, how to write a press release, marketing material, ad photos and much, much more.

Here is a list of videos and forms on the affiliate section of our app to get your gym to it’s max potential followed by testimonials from a few of our affiliates:

Videos on the affiliate tab of the USKMA app include:

Our entire curriculum with new and up to date videos!

Staff meetings:
The system
Building a staff
Be a Productive owner!
Money; how much in, how much out?
What is self defense?
Running classes
Talking to and signing customers
Signing a member
How to answer Customer Questions
Don’t get sued!
Don’t trust your eyes
Be an expert
Be Prosperous
What to do about December
Dealing with employees
Extra money ideas
Different types of students
Active Shooter video
Talking to customers
Why do we teach the way we do?
Difficult customers
24 hour gym
History of Krav Maga
Put someone In charge of marketing!
Summer ideas
Your marketing staff
New year plan
December plan
Starting a gym
Why isn’t my program growing?
Customer service
Making money lecture
Our system/classes
I need a bigger building
Beating our competition
The USKMA way
Your web site & private lessons
Your welcome pack
affiliate questions answered
Extra money ideas
Pep talk

Social Media
The USKMA Facebook Plan
Andy’s Social Media lecture
Web sites
Social Media lecture

Running classes, intros, etc.
holding mitts
Boxing Fitness
Weapons of convenience
How to partner
Level 1 class
Level 1 class talk
intro talk
Differences teaching lvl 1 and 2
Level 2 class
Developing an awesome staff
Running a test

Over 75 dill videos

12 Sparring videos

Levels 1 through 5 lesson plans
Level 1 comprehensive lesson plan
Level 1 through 5 test sheets
70 Warm up ideas
Logos and ad art work
Class Template
Non compete forms for employees
Systems manual
Weapons disarm seminars
Women’s self defense seminar
Active shooter seminar
Home invasion seminar
Car jacking seminar
Cardio MMA plans
Advertising ideas
Student welcome pack
Writing a press release
Grand opening ideas
Intro to fight
and many more!


“I am running your system to the tee and I’m at 130 adult members in less than a year, and that is starting from 0 and in a not very large city where I knew no one.” – Juan Acosta, Ft. Myers FL

“I have traveled around a lot ,, and trained with some of the top trainers … We were truly blessed to find a great instructor .. my group truly enjoyed all the training .. I feel it was the best program we have ever had presented to us … it was the real deal and we were very honored to have you down and look forward to a great training future ahead thank you again” – Alex Azar, Longview Martial Arts

“February is our one-year anniversary as a USKMA Affiliate. I am really excited about the future of CKMF and the USKMA. I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you how much I appreciate you and the USKMA. We truly have a very friendly, customer-oriented Krav Maga association. A great network of people. I am so looking forward to growing with the USKMA and being a part of a truly great organization. Thank you for all you have done for us!” -Danny Caudill Kentucky State Police Officer

“I have trained in Martial Arts most of my adult life, earning multiple Black Belts in traditional arts. Throughout my time as a Martial Artist and while serving as a Federal law Enforcement Officer and as a United States Marine Corps Officer I have had the opportunity to train in many martial arts and self defense programs. To say that I was greatly impressed with the staff of USKMA would be an understatement. They have taken what we are all looking for in self defense and have put it in an easy to understand and logical format. The curriculum and staff will challenge you while maintaining a safe and friendly atmosphere. Be prepared to sweat, learn sound defense and be safer upon leaving their gym. The atmosphere created at USKMA is one of encouragement to anyone who is interested in learning self defense, regardless of your age or ability. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who is serious about learning true self defense.” — Maj. Paul Oppedisano

“Mark Slane has the blueprint for running a succesful Krav Maga gym, and his team of professional instructors expertly execute that plan. I have been training in various martial arts for over thirty years and teaching fellow police officers to survive on the streets for the past seven years. I know from experience that finding instructors who bring the ‘total package’ is rare. Mark and his instructors are not only expert Krav Maga practitioners, but they are capable of effectively translating their knowledge into great results for their students.
My gym, Force 3 Krav Maga and Fitness recruited more students in one week after incorporating Mark’s marketing strategies than we had in the previous three months. Our mission is to create a safer society through education and training, and we are far more capable of getting that training out to good people thanks to Mark’s strategies and methods. If you are interested in incorporating Krav Maga into your gym or starting a Krav Gym, it would be a mistake not to consult Mark Slane. John, Aaron and the others at USKMA are great people who are passionate about Krav Maga and the positive impact it can have on people’s lives. Follow the leaders folks!” — Brannon Hicks, SWAT ATL, Law Enforcement Defensive Tactics Instructor, Force 3 Krav Maga and Fitness, St. Johns, FL

The USKMA welcomes Chuck Heacock!!

The USKMA has a new marketing/sales director, Chuck Heacock!! Chuck is the one i look at as my mentor as far as marketing, sales, building a sales team, etc. go. I was in the first group that Worldwide ever brought in to start spreading Krav Maga throughout the US in ’98 and i remember every break (when everyone else was going to the instructor and asking about techniques) hitting up Chuck and learning how to get people in the door. Years later when we started Ohio Krav Maga & Fitness my Mrs., who had never sold in her life, talked to Chuck weekly and did everything he said. This was the start of us signing 48 per month on average and hitting 750 members!

Chuck is going to be making sales videos, being available to talk and basically giving invaluable sales training to USKMA affiliates. Meet Chuck at Krav Con in October (!

Mr. Heacock was born 1964 in Detroit Michigan. In 1972, his family relocated themselves and their family business, Operon Distribution, and moved his business to California. By the time Chuck was eight years old he had discovered Tae-kwon-do and was entering every tournament he could get involved in. Martial arts and going to work with his father at Operon Distribution became his diving passions.

Upon relocating to Southern California, Mr. Heacock, then a teenager, was hired at his first job, Jack Lalanne’s health club in Burbank, California, which would set his passion for the sports and health club industry. In 1981 Mr. Heacock’s dedication found him asked to physically train with luminary Jack Lalanne himself and Jack’s wife, Elaine. At this time Mr. Heacock has risen to be responsible for five locations as manager.

In 1983, at 19 years old, and after learning the in-and-outs from some of the top locations in the fitness industry, it was now time for Mr. Heacock to open his own health club. He spent three months in a renowned sales training camp complimenting his hands-on abilities in business operations. Mr. Heacock then joined forces with Brian Floyd a local and well known bodybuilding competitor to form National Club Consultants (NCC).

By the end of its third year in business, NCC had bought and sold seven health clubs to some of the largest operators in the business, including LA Fitness, Gold’s Gym, Powerhouse Gym, Club One, Meridian Health Clubs and Family Fitness Centers now known as 24-Hour Fitness.

Over the next four years National Club Consultants grew to own and operate six health clubs specializing in private training, nutritional consulting and sport specific training. NCC sold the consulting arm of the business and opened the Santa Clarita Athletic Club, in Santa Clarita, California, which at the time was one of the highest grossing pre-sales facilities on record.

In 1990, Mr. Heacock took the opportunity to expand his operational knowledge by working with his father’s business, Operon Distributors, where he would gain valuable experience in warehousing and shipping and receiving to further expand his business operations knowledge.

Upon the sale of Operon Distributors, Mr. Heacock focused on business development and consulting services to the sports and health club industry, including the expansion of Bodies in Motion from a single location to five.
At that time Mr. Heacock identified Krav Maga, a small martial art school in West Los Angeles, as having a large growth potential. Always looking for a new challenge, he signed on as Sales Manager and helped expand the school from 200 students to 2000 students in the first 24 months. It was now time to begin the Krav Maga Worldwide licensing program, which Mr. Heacock developed as Director of Marketing and Sales. Under his direction, Krav Maga Worldwide has grown to over 240 schools throughout the world and is the largest adult martial arts organization in the world.
Today you will find Mr. Heacock expanding his business development and consulting services relying on the vast knowledge and experience that over 30 years of effort brings. Industry leading clients include: Century Martial Arts Supply, Monster Fitness, 360 Combat clubs, Bodies in Motion, Monkey Bar Gyms, Bas Rutten MMA System, American Fight League, International Fight League, John Hackleman’s Pit, Mike Chat’s XMA, Mass Training Systems, ATA, Karate America, Tap-Out, Powerhouse Gyms, Gold’s Gym, RevGear Martial Arts Supply, EFC Billing systems, and Members Solutions.

USKMA VALENTINE’S SALE – Everything 50% off!

Today through Monday our t-shirts, phone app, DVD’S and books (including the new updated American Krav Maga book) are 50% off with code ‘USKMA50’!  Our largest sale ever!

We have just updated the American Krav Maga book to the 3rd addition! Complete Black Belt curriculum now included. Updated curriculum and hundreds of new pictures.

Our newest t-shirt design is also included in the sale! See logo below!

The USKMA phone app has taken off like crazy, krav maga students have nothing but good to say about it! Take your Krav Maga with you wherever you go!! All new videos, up to date curriculum! Use code USKMA50 at